The Northern California Nanotechnology Initiative






Northern California's preeminence in cutting edge technologies, venture capital, hi-tech industries and entrepreneurial spirit, provide the competitive advantage for the region to become a leading nanotechnology cluster. By facilitating a multidisciplinary approach to develop the biotechnology, molecular electronics, advanced materials and manufacturing technologies of Northern California, we are redefining the industries that will dominate science and the economy in the 21st century.

click to access information on these leading research centers

CAPITAL REGION — President Barack Obama will be heading to the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering's Albany NanoTech Complex on Tuesday, instead of GlobalFoundries' Fab 8 in Malta, according to a travel document from the White House.

SEE Latest issue of:
NCnano News in Review

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nano news

Introduction to Nanotechnology
by Dr. Meyya Meyyappan of NASA Ames Research Center


Scott Hubbard Former
Dir, NASA Ames
and Chris Piercy video from
NCnano Forum


Honda Nano Bill




National Nanotechnology Initiative:

Established in 2000, the NNI serves as the central point of communication, cooperation and collaboration for all Federal agencies engaged in nanotechnology research, bringing together the expertise needed to advance this broad and complex field.

It also serves to coordinate various state initiatives on nanotechnology.



nano roadmap



Bio Pharma

The Northern California Nanotechnology Initiative: Facilitating Economic Development in Northern California by leveraging the world leading R&D institutions of the San Francisco Bay Area - nanotechnology initiatives that will help develop the 21st century economies of the region and the world.

copyright 2003-2012, The Northern California Nanotechnology Initiative - Palo Alto, Los Altos, CA all rights reserved

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